Learn how to apply for the OpenSky® Secured Visa® Credit Card

Here you will learn how easy it can be to acquire a credit card, even if you don't have a perfect credit history!

What do I need to know about the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card ?

OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card illustration .

The OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card is the ideal card for potential cardholders who are looking for a way to gain financial independence and also a fresh start in their financial life, but who often cannot acquire a credit card that allows them to carry out such objectives for bureaucratic reasons.

Here you will learn how to apply for the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card through a very detailed step by step so that you can apply quickly and easily, in addition to staying on top of its various benefits!


OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card

No history query Rebuild credit history

Tap on the green button and apply for this amazing credit card

Apply now!

* You will be directed to an external website

If you still haven’t been able to acquire a credit card because you don’t have a positive credit history, or any credit history at all, you may need to know about the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card.

This credit card aims to help its holders to improve their credit history by facilitating the subscription form and also performing internal services that enable holders to reach their goals and that, if they want, in the future, to acquire a credit card with other benefits.

The OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card performs monthly forwarding of activities in your account to the three main agencies in the United States (Equifax ®, Experian ® and TransUnion ® ).

The fees charged by this credit card can be considered low or healthy if you compare it with other credit cards that have a system similar to the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card.

The annual fee charged for this credit card is $35 USD. The APR is considered normal and variable at 20.39%. The OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card does not have an APR input.

Transactions made internationally will incur a flat fee of 3% per transaction.

How do the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card works?

This credit card has the opportunity for you to set your credit limit!

Through a security deposit of at least $200 and a maximum of $3,000, you will also be defining the credit limit of your credit card.

This limit can be increased by up to six months if you pay your invoices regularly!

The deposited amount can be recovered if you decide to close your OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card account. You must be up to date with the requirements of this credit card.

Who can apply for the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card ?

In order to apply for your OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card, you will need to be of legal age in the United States and territories, in addition to having an active and valid social security number.

Obtaining an active US address will also be required to apply for this credit card.

You will not need to provide a bank account or credit history.

How to apply for the OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card ?

You will be able to carry out your application through the website linked in the previously inserted button.

Upon accessing the “Apply now” page, you will be forwarded to a form that will request some information.

You will be asked for your first and last name, age, valid address and social security number, as well as a phone number and email address.

After filling in all the fields you will accept the terms of use and if you are able to purchase this credit card you will be notified immediately!

OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card vs. Oportun ® Visa ® Credit Card

Both credit cards offer quality services so that cardholders can rebuild their credit history.

OpenSky ® Secured Visa ® Credit Card pros

  • No credit history check
  • Reports to the main credit agencies
  • Easy membership

Oportun ® Visa ® Credit Card pros

  • Healthy limit
  • Advanced security
  • No credit history check

How to apply for the Oportun ® Visa ® Credit Card ?

In the article linked in the button below you will have access to a step by step that will teach you how to apply for the Oportun ® Visa ® Credit Card. Don’t waste time and access now!

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